Master’s Degree, Theatre Department, Ankara University, 2020

Proficiency at Arts, Anadolu University State Conservatory Theatre Department, continues.



Gizem Gürer graduated from Ankara University Theatre Department Master’s Degree in 2020 with her dissertation titled “Perceiving the World on the Stage: Performer’s Experience at be-have Performance”. She worked at Performance Art Depot theatre troupe in Germany and was involved in different international theatre projects. Gürer participated in IFTR 2018 World Theatre Congress with a lecture about her performing experience at Performance Art Depot with a connection to symptom as a Deleuzian concept and led a workshop about Samuel Beckett’s Quad Play in relation to mathematics at EuroMath&Science 2018 World Congress. She also had solo performances staged both in Germany and Turkey.


Besides her work as a performer, she worked as a director’s assistant at Ankara State Theater, and as a director in private theatre companies. She is currently working on independent performing arts projects.

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